Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tokyoplastic : Drum Machine

Now this is a must see (click picture for video). A cute and simple musical production from Tokyoplastic, a design company I really admire.

There was a time when Sarah asked me to play this video again and again and again. It is Sarah's absolute favourite. Don't forget to turn the volume up!

Link to a longer version of the video (click enter drum machine, exciting part is after the walking monster-in-a-box, so please be patient).

Link to Tokyoplastic v.2


Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum mynn,

yayy! thanks mynn! been meaning to ask u for the link. i ingat sarah dulu suka sgt tgk ni! emyr mesti suka jugak...

mynn said...

waalaikum salam auntie de,

I was actually thinking of emyr and you guys while posting this one up. I ingat you guys suka tengok video ni masa datang rumah dulu, hopefully emyr will like it as much as sarah does (did).

alamak ... patient makan ramai ni,

clerk, clerk, clerk

Mama Pongkey said...

brilliant! i love drums!

Anonymous said...

yes, re: tokyoplastic (link above) they're very creative. if you go to their website you literally play around to navigate, really cool flash animations & cute characters abound.

if you find any nice animations or stuff, let me know, or you could post them on your blog KKL:)