Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pot Luck

Last night, I joined my team mates for a "pot-luck" at our SSHO's house. We each had to make and bring a dish of our own, and I decided on sushi (pictured above). Overall it was fun, just wanted to share some pictures from last night.
The dinner started at 7.30pm, and JC the SHO kindly offered to drive. The fun part was showing each other what we had made. JC made Teriyaki chicken, the PRHO brought chick peas with gnoche, something he called a "a generic meat dish" and the tomato-on-cheese-on-biscuit-thing-I-don't-remember-what-it-was-called (all three could be spotted in the pictures above and topmost) . Our PRHO cut his finger preparing the dishes (sharp tin can). No wonder I could taste the subtle yet engaging hint of blood infused with the cheese!

The SSHO who was also the hostess cooked the most. She made roast potatoes, cous cous and salad. The Registrar, pictured below, made a vegetarian stir fry and a totally sumptous bread-and-butter pudding which was strangely made of wholemeal bread but was extremely delicious, probably one of the best I'd ever tasted (the best is of course, Mama Sarah's:p. No contest). The food served reflected the "global" nature of our team with dishes of Meditteranean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and British origin.
I rarely eat alot but needless to say last night I ate ALOT. By ALOT I mean not realising I've eaten much, but eating continuously until coffee when suddenly it suddenly felt as if my stomach was going to burst.

I feel extremely lucky to have such an exciting, funny, yet talented team to work with. Hurray for our team, Aza Aza Fighting!!


Anonymous said...


A stupid question from me: do they make an effort to make sure all the food served is halal for your sake?

Anonymous said...

sorry for pictures of the "tonkatsu"

Anonymous said...

:p...hope my innocent comment didnt sound rude...sorrrry! I am sometimes blunt, hehe

mynn said...

dr roza
don't worry i didnt think your question was rude at all.

last night we all made a variety of food. the host is vegetarian, and my colleagues knows i eat halal (i'm effectively a piscetarian). my friends bought meat stuff for themselves, but they also bought foods suitable for vegetarians to respect the SSHO & I. for example, they made cous cous, potato salad, roast potatoes, the tomato-on-cheese-on-biscuit thing pictured above and chick peas curry. My registrar made a chinese vegetarian stir fry.

in fact, they were only 2 meat dishes last night the majority were vegetarian dishes.

it may sound weird, but many222 people in the UK are vegetarians, and most if not all people respect other people's dietary differences, right KKL?

Mama Pongkey said...

:) True! People normally find out other peoples' dietary restrictions (they assume nothing! even when it comes to tea, they ask you whether you would like milk, and any sugar? how many teaspoons? etc.) It is very easy indeed to go vegetarian here, even when dining out in restaurants! Yes I go 'fishy-tarian' most of time, to provide more options for my host.

Some interesting finger foods (to complement the stuff you mentioned) tuna and egg salad, smoked salmon on malted bread, cheese breadsticks, chopped celery/cucumber/carrots with dips (guacamole, cheese and onion, sweet and sour, taramasalata (fish roe), houmous, baba ganoush) and of course crisps!!

My HOD served us grilled salmon with new potatos and beans, home-made mayonaise and the starter was delish mushroom soup.

My fave Italian dish: linguini with smoked salmon. Oooh yum. And Kak Waheedah makes a mean version of Shepherd's Pie.

All this talk of food is making me hungry.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend in medical school, Maz""abang""lan. One day, when he was still a student he was asked by the consultant to make coffee for the team. Obligingly, he made Malaysian style coffee (lots of milk, very sweet) for everyone.

taking a sip, his consultant immediately spit it out and shrieked "that's the worst coffee I've ever tasted, i'll fail you!"

thank goodness, his consultant was only joking about failing him but the moral of the story is: like KKL said, people here are VERY particular about their tea/coffee. you have to know sugar or no sugar, how many teaspoons of sugar, what type of sugar (?sweetener), milk or no milk, what kind of milk, how much milk and so forth.

Being the (voluntary) tea person of the team I have to know and memorise all the above.

personally i like my tea brewed in VERY hot water, no sugar, with lots of milk.

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