Saturday, April 22, 2006
Whoever you are anonymous, that joke is VERY good. You've made our day!!
Link 1: Maman's blog
Link 2: Ifos' blog
- dith said...
Oh yes I remember this comment which had nothing to do with the entry but entertaining nevertheless! Hehe
Terkezut nampak link untuk maman and ifos. Fofular sekejap anak anak kawe yek, :P -
12:52 am
Anonymous said...
Anon commenter eh.. I can give several guesses who is it- aki anjang? mat derih, tokki andak? paul moss? (but all he talks about is cameras so maybe he can be ruled out) might even be karam singh valia. No sign of his customary Malay peribahasa there though.
Whoever it was, I also burst into helpless laughter when I first read that joke. -
5:28 am
Anonymous said...
Hahaha, talk about really dumb...
Macam lawak gila gila jer.. haha
This thread/entry sure generate byk joke nyer.. any one here ada joke lagi tak?
Any way, as i was doing appraisals last week I thought I could share these
Since my last report, he has reached rock bottom and has started to dig.
His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity.
I would not allow this associate to breed.
Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap.
When she opens her mouth, it seems that this is only to change whichever foot was previously in there.
He would be out of his depth in a puddle.
This young lady has delusions of adequacy.
She sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them.
This associate should go far - and the sooner he starts the better.
This associate is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
Regards -
5:56 am
- mynn said...
DITH & Ikelah, hope you guys don't mind the links. MS & I were reading the two blogs together the other night, especially about maman in hospital. regarding "Sinutitis" , kitorang tergelak reading ikelah's comment "Sinusitis la maman. Jangan lupa makan augmentin setiap 12 jam, clarytine malam, Ilaidine nasal drop setiap 8 jam dan makan vitamin."
9:32 pm
Anonymous said...
8:55 am
"Atas saranan doktor, Mamat dihantar utk berubat di USA kerana penyakitnya yg agak kritikal. Sesampainya di Hospital New York, Mamat dibawa ke bilik bedah & dipasang tiub getah kiri kanan.Beberapa jam kemudian, seorang pesakit dari UK yg kelihatannya lebih parah dibawa masuk & diletak bersebelahan katil si Mamat.
Si Mat Saleh ini walaupun kelihatannya lemah, dia masih mencuba utk berkomunikasi
dgn Mamat. Dia mengangkat tangannya dgn susah payah & berkata:
"United kingdom... "
Mamat yg juga sedang lemah, menjawab: "Malaysia... "
Setelah itu dua-duanya pengsan karana keletihan. Beberapa jam kemudian mereka kembali sedar & cuba berkomunikasi lagi.
Si Mat Saleh berkata dgn lemah: "James... ".
Dijawab dgn susah payah oleh Mamat: "Mamat... ".
Habis itu mereka pengsan lagi. Beberapa jam kemudian setelah sedar, mereka berdua masih mencuba melanjutkan percakapannya.
"Birmingham... " kata si Mat Saleh.
Dijawab Mamat: "Kuala Kangsor... ". Pengsan lagi.
Tak lama kemudian mereka sedar & masih mencuba utk berbual.
Si Mat Saleh yg sudah hampir kehabisan nafas berkata: "Cancer... "
Dan dgn sisa-sisa nafas yg ada Mamat menyahut: "Capricorn... !"
Thu Feb 16, 03:47:21 PM
Dan kita semua yang tercungap-cungap membaca, mengakhiri kalam dengan berkata:
"Mati lah kau Mamat dalam keadaan merapu...."