Monday, April 17, 2006

GIMP, The Open-Source Photoshop Alternative

Almost as important as taking good photographs itself is post-processing, or photo-manipulation. One of the most popular software for photo-manipulation is obviously Adobe's Photoshop. However, a retail copy of Photoshop is extremely expensive and may be out of our financial reach. Enter GIMP, or the General Image Manipulation Program, started by Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis in 1995 as a semester project at UC Berkeley. GIMP is free and available cross platform ie for Windows, Mac OS as well as Linux.

I have absolutely no Photoshop nor GIMP skills, but I really would like to learn some techniques!.Here are some bookmarks I found helpful:
Good luck trying!


mynn said...

ironically, all the tutorial sites are ugly.

Anonymous said...


Working like crazy... anyway.. I realise that for the last 6 months no one has given me a job. so at the moment I am just goin with my gut instinct and poking my nose into everything.


Orangkilang said...

hmm... what a day it was today

Mama Sarah said...

aloo Sir OK, hope you're not mad at me. couldn't help but to say, hey hey hey, you have a link to your name sekarang!!! IT's blue in colour!!!

anyway, pls feel free to change the template etc. Alright?


Anonymous said...

hey well done O-K, ive read your first real post. really impressed. it was a good read. ill go to your blog often so feel free to write your heart out!